YAD Chairperson, Keynote Speaker in Southeast Asian Studies Symposium 2016

YAD Chairperson, Keynote Speaker in Southeast Asian Studies Symposium 2016

Hashim Djojohadikusumo, Chairperson of the Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusomo (YAD) has been  invited by the Project Southeast Asia, University of Oxford, UK to be the keynote speaker at the 5th Southeast Asian Studies Symposium at Oxford University in England from April 14 to 16, 2016. In his speech, Hashim highlights business and environmental issues towards a more sustainable future in Indonesia.

Pak Hashim, Ibu Anie Hashim, Indra and Ibu Ari with Indonesian students at Oxford University during 5th Southeast Asian studies Symposium 2016

The annual symposium of the Southeast Asian Studies, which was organized by the Project Southeast Asia, Oxford University aimed to present interdisciplinary and transnational solutions to contemporary  Southeast Asian issues. The world’s largest annual conference on Southeast Asia involves various political figures, businessmen, academics, civil society and other leaders of society in collaborative efforts to improve the state of the world. The 3-day symposium includes over 80 panels presenting nearly 200 papers, along with the activities of the Investment Forum of Southeast Asia and East Asia Strategy Forum on Women, Business and Economic Development.

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