YAD and BPPI attended World Heritage Day 2016 in Cambridge, UK

YAD and BPPI attended World Heritage Day 2016 in Cambridge, UK

Hashim Djojohadikusomo, Chairman of Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusomo (YAD), together with Catrini Kubontubuh, executive director of YAD  and Nirmala Ratimanjari of Arsari Group as well as a delegation representing the Board of Badan Pelestarian Pusaka Indonesia/Indonesian Heritage Trust (BPPI),   attended a commemoration of World Heritage Day 2016 organized by the International National Trusts Organisations (INTO) at Emmanuel College, Cambridge UK. INTO is a forum that consists of  world  conservation organizations from 66 countries,  in which BPPI  became one of its members.

Commemoration of  World Heritage Day began in 1982, initiated by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) as a day to glorify heritage to remind the importance of heritage preservation in treating the remains of the past and pass them on to future generations. The theme of the 2016 commemoration is Heritage of Sport where every country commemorated with various activities related to traditional sports and traditional games. Dame Fiona Reynolds, president of INTO, gave a speech titled “Stopping the Countdown to Catastrophe for World Heritage”. On the occasion,  Hashim Djojohadikusomo also delivered a speech on the development of conservation activities in Indonesia.

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