The culturalpic2 conservation activities of Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation (YAD) in Trowulan can be traced as far back as 2008, when it was still under the name Hashim Djojohadikusumo Family Foundation (YKHD), when the Foundation established Indonesian Integrated Archaeological Research (PATI).

Partnering with archaeology departments from four academic establishments; University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Udayana University, and Hasanuddin University. Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo hoped that this joint research would be able to contribute the data needed to complete research conducted in Trowulan, widely believed to be the site of the former capital of Majapahit Empire. Furthermore, this field research could potentially give the much-needed practical experiences for archaeology students under PATI, as well as their mentors.

The first PATI was held on 29 July to 10 August 2008 in Trowulan, Mojokerto, East Java. The second PATI continued the research on 16 to 29 September 2012. These field researches were conducted by archaeology students and lecturers from four partner universities, fully supported by YAD.

PATI yielded many visible results, among which are the books “Inspirasi Majapahit” and “Majapahit: Inspiration for the World”. The books detailed accounts and analysis in various perspectives on the glorious history of Majapahit Kingdom and its conservation efforts. The books were compiled and edited by a joint team of authors and editors from the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Udayana University and Hasanuddin University, and were published by YAD in November 2014. Hashim Djojohadikusumo hoped that the books can, as befitting their names, be an inspiration in conservation efforts of Majapahit, both in national and international level.


(Widya Amasara)

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