Indonesia is a large country that consists of thousands of small and large islands, inhabited by more than 500 different ethnic groups, diverse language, religion and culture. One of the main concerns of the Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo (YAD) is the preservation of various cultural heritages that belongs to Indonesia, both tangible and intangible ones.
Some of the activities on the preservation of cultural heritage ever supported by YAD include Indonesian Integrated Archaeological Research (PATI), a collaborative research on Majapahit Sites in Trowulan by four leading universities in the country (UI, UGM, UNHAS and Udayana); the establishment of a number of Mandala Majapahit (ManMa) in Trowulan, FIB UGM, and FIB Unhas; rehabilitation of the tombs of the rulers of the Sultanate of Mataram (Pajimatan Imogiri); World Puppet Carnival (WWPC2013) and the restoration of Raden Saleh paintings, as well as the training on painting conservation.
YAD also actively supported several activities of the Indonesian Heritage Trust (BPPI) where Hashim served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees.